
Ola, Wing he is not other kinds of ABC Asian guys, you know? He always mind his own business, in his own life.....

Do you judge by their quality, how they are? You like the other Asian guys? Business attire?  You like your polish stuffs, you don't want to stand up to those Ice Skating guys, saying a few words degree? 

Ice Skating means to Dean something, his social circle might still have his high school, or where he Hockey clubs human faces at? Not just you Ola means only you face big big big in the comic book?

Dr. T's faces? He is a minority? Japan connected? 

Do you ever look at Reed's speech, too young for you use? 

You imagine you are the Big Shot people from the Top, so they are all becoming the junks at the worthless level. oh~ you doing that. You got the whole things wrong. This is the democracy world in America.

I haven't win the lawsuit yet. In fact, I never called one lawyer in my life...I don't actually know how to do that.

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