
Okay, you want to join the UB Robotic? Or you getting to Jonathon, according to me, you think he is easy going, how to get to SA then to UB robotics?

Apparently Wing....he is at his brain blank most of time, what that is Big Hero 6? Do you contact Wing or Jonathon, how they become their Thesis....Is Pharm D, has a D in it? Like PhD?


He written anything to get that far? What can be Big Hero 6? I don't know what that is? 

My UB Facebook, will have some human does the Science, Biology, or Bio chemistry? We used to be in the same class. You all girls have to face the true reality, you don't have that language whatever I say in the biology? 

I don't know anything on the Physics, or the Robotic sides, but you can copy just now I am saying it, to the physics department too.

You have a mechanism of some thermodynamics?  Through those true facts, you given some relevancy of all can be research at?

You got to have a point, why you are getting the money from the Research Funding to carry a research operation points. You need to tell me what is it all the points you want to Prove it!!!

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