
Nick and my mother are conditioned. Real. But people like she becomes a blonde after? She never look upon those sinner to say patiently fed one spoon per spoon if they hurting them brain still.

She is told on TV by decree, and ….that’s just a reality that she didn’t comply a spiritual practitioner inside or outside as a nunhood = educate and deliver sentient being.

Eben he is not lawyer and he probably will never make it the high school to Chinese schooling at that age, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want a ET a negotiating table reality, but tell me what’s SMCH degree?

Those things it’s when her master one day shows up, its one by one he whip or blood per skin peel meant she delivers her faces more than any sentient beings a real substance in them.

I tell you she got jailed okay? Those means forever impossible but jailing 4 walls eating your meal at the wall and toilet. Like V Varandda. She actress is a vegetarian. You don’t religious taken others money. I just told you what I think. A real jailed inmate especially women = its very very very bad. 

This worlds cares about the criminal Justice okay? If you break the law, you goes to jail. 

Sometimes people live life in the real life

How we get by life. I didn’t really control that situation. With nick, I update him things. He looks like he still exists. I explain things line by line. He probably understands what I say.

There are a lot of mentality people cannot see a ET sitting there, don’t you think? Those things I don’t tell Nick. But I tell Eben?

Life it’s how we deal with it, Eben calls then we deal with it. You all can just get rid of that Lalla hurting us a lot, and no one can do a thing. When the women to destine sent to jail, those are bad like Tina. I just don’t know whom are in jails. 

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