
Like me and Eben planning the food costs.

You know sometimes potato and watering vegetables, its all that is in life, with little rice? Do you cook after UB life, or some people getting married life, do you organize your bills, or you go out occasionally to eat?

Its purely the cooking talents? 

You looking at those houses, its to keep the human in, like me and Eben. And whichever the food that we prepare, we staying in, cage in, mansion in? I don't go out often if I stuck inside a house just busy everywhere.

You know you want a lot of things.

But wanting and incapability to getting them, or you place your position or you bring yourself values high no matter the ages goes, where you been the last 20 years? You know your life direction how it was chaos first? Disorganize, or dis-oriented?

TV and movies are filled up the stories plot. That filled up all the imagination before I become aware to stop anything at all....you already imagine things while watching these movies for 40 long years?


4 Limbs

Only if you intune to that....just keep moving that 4 limbs, you realize, that is very childish and stupid what you all do right now, that life in front of you, what you make of it. 

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