
Let me guess, your major its not what you show me...how you ending up at your career? Or you really have that jobs? you believe that is true?

I don't really know you practices the medicine on the human life to get the Review on Vita? The legal sense of....that professional license its at your photo, or you put up a photo? 

Why would the Sky telling me....so many things on the food?

If that resume close to MD, even they put up fake like Tina or Pang, like I assuming....being a MD, for real will NEVER do that? So I need a very firm answer you are fake? 

Do you have a major in UB? What is the ending story of that major like I assume, your parents bet on 2000% they will NEVER pay for your medical school no matter what. You don't look like a MD, you don't seen like a MD, you don't talk like a MD, you don't have anything to say MD.

So you saw Frozen 2013, whom did something?

I didn't even think !!! I missing a lot of words on the Internet no name? 

Sky says

Its the seagull, the ego, the Wings.

You mean 6+1, 4+1 MD on the data information system. oh ~~ right. I remember that now. On Justin Timberlake monitor. Movie: In Time. 


So do you have a job? 

You lie in front of everybody, and someone forces you to come out? Say it your name, say it you have a gun, say it you dead like you fail the professional school, not on the facebook ....????

So its every lie, someone else getting the name, like 5 Lords + a Gift? 

And each other my UB facebook finding out, what's wrong with all of you girls, to be seen by some guys, you saw their faces, their name, their potential, to....How you just mean it, you lie at the beginning.

That is what happened?

You know my UB Facebook has more than 5 Lords?

Meaning every other tall guys, they didn't join the professional school, to make a name, knowing all of you lied? and have an issue? They put you all at where you are, and you telling your parents, and being yelled at?

You lie?

You hide?

You are not professionally dealing anyone, and its EVERY guys worse they all come close, to see what's wrong with everything? Its YOU LIE?

I am keep thinking what's wrong with this entire picture. 

There are everything wrong with it, I cannot understand it.


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