
I think this is probably the American guys have....or like them. Or Japan population 七龍珠

I am okay... there are many other boy's comic books, or TV I watch things. These are probably one of the most popular, but I don't really dwell on them. They don't draw as pretty or handsome stuffs.....

I have watched them, they still air them here in Taiwan, some networks last year or the year before.

I don't actually like any of them. The one I like them, I show you, some clips of them. Not really these.....When I was growing up? As the middle school girls growing up at that time, I thought most girls will like the handsome guys, or some kinds of the dreaming states of ....what the guys would be ?

Jump, flip, bounce, those kinds?

This is weird and strange, I have to tell you all what did I read before in my middle school, TV, elementary, with all those comic books, you don't read in Chinese, so you read in the graphic drawing, like those people's faces?

Or the color cover books ?

Cover arts. I think those called "The cover arts".

I don't have any boy bands, uh....the US, yeah, Celine Dion, those time we use CD, that require the battery to put in open and close.I have to travel in the bus, no Metro yet, to the Taipei Station one of those big microphone ear, to put on my ears and listen.

Like the traditional ways.

I watch this too, but I forgot a lot of them, really. So long ago.


If You actually love certain things, because all these TV gerne, movies markets, or ET or human pure imagination stuffs.....You love what you see, you love what you do, you love that direction, you might figure it out the inside plot and tales, I don't know all these TV says. I practically cannot watch anything.

Like some people when they seeing this.....they change their entire worlds....fluppy....Happiness no bound. Something about the food, if you give them things they like the taste, I think some people care about the taste and the food, they eat it, its the only things they ever cared about.  

You know home recipes where people making friends and get together, its to learn some of this eating art. Its funny, you all using everything I got? 

My friends recipe, my mother, me recipes....You using my facebook yet? You all have no shames doing that?

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