
I say, don’t go back

Go up.

I can, not you all. Professional new people.

Appreciate and let go. Leave them.

Because my indicator, there is nothing above 6.

Nothing. Whatever that means, I stop, I come back to the world. 

Everyone has a freedom to choose how to operate this movie materials. I suggest you drop all the past. They may be fined, they may not be. Whatever it was pass …it. Don’t seek, don’t sought, keep moving forward. 

The correct way = go home

Your finance cannot sustain, your lifestyle. Not really.

Jail future, but that’s okay. 

None of you will have a glow moment. Just believe I say. None.

You realize that early or late, no one cares about it. Someone will sort, you are the past I don’t need. 

You insist you got a better facebook, girls I say, my facebook. Make it them. Make it !!

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