
I got it, Zawanna insist its the Zeta Jones that movie No Reservation, you mean the kid?

I was not looking at the right place. 

"I haven't properly introducing myself, I am Anna's friends slash classmate from the UB honor class. I am Wing. How do you do?"

"We travel far from Hong Kong to immigrant to Buffalo when I was the second grade, I will be honest to tell you, my English might be just like the TV Ramma imply, I become big fat wedding from my Father's Greek pocket."

"This is the long time I haven't get back to the college reunion, I am sure you don't mind I am nervous to greet you this way."

"How is your family and you coming along with all that Anna did or not did say, or say so already? Really? I haven't seen a word from her the longest time since whenever she remember I still exist when I needed to be existed...."


What me and Eben gonna do in China? Near Austin ShaingHai?

We both have a job,
like me saying several degree things to work it out on the Medical Board America, but the Lawsuit I still submitting them must be in China too through the kids to have some more linguistic skills when they growing up. Validate or not validate, some professional people can help in. With a proper law, and a medical background saying things when you growing up, you at least glueing to the public health, and let that Monstary to be a little higher than the regular household in the world, so they can provide some support in the future to every kinds of weather through understanding. 

I didn't do this rush in time to compete to that SMCH, not really. I just happened to be loosen a bit in time management, and I started that Lawsuits with all the Web 2.0 things I do for the kids, they buzz things too. I remember the Honorable Superior can do things, so I take the initiative to do something extra. 

I am like that. If I can do extra things, I gradually added it on. Just too much before those years come.

We didn't do this so we get to China, we just happened to ....for you Wing one person issue, to land in China?! I technically cannot go beyond China if I choose to be this public open on the internet. I have thought about that. I just have to survive on the island. 

You more relax? or you waiting to see, whom or best friends, to whom else ending up the Siddarthra, or Zed position? One of those? Replacement? 

You like a safe way, before you become a roar? Have you thought to go to India? Educate and roaring at that Tamang everything he did wrong to help his father? Not just your dad? 

No, I am just asking, you might just go to 上海 not India.

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