
I do the way I know how to do ....likst several posts before I write these

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You can describe a DNA process

Definition of these process

What do you really sees?

The reason you have a research, its because you have a central points of all the True facts. What are the true facts? Your Textbook are full of the true facts, so all these researchers have to do its to keep validating these true facts. You cannot have anything go beyond these true facts, or a hypothesis will not be a theory anymore.



You can conclude the points why we discuss on DNA, not RNA?

Its to have the cell division. To that very reason, we need the DNA to become double, so the basic definition on the microscopic lens, or views how we say the definitions or the process, we say its the DNA replication.

Definition of these process you might just say

First the unwinding the double helix, so you will have a primer get on to make a new template out of the original DNA template. You are making something out of the original blue prints, that is the DNA given by your both parents.

What do you usually see?

In a space of that microscopic world, you have this "unwinding process" happened so that DNA replication and DNA elogation took place.... DNA elogation just means, they getting longer and longer? That is probably I just added in the term from Organic Chemistry. Do they have DNA elogation process, I probably meant my 3D video how I tight a rope and I twirl them to become 3D idea.

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