
For their competitive hearts, or what they used to collects are the best facebook, some people because of that very small tiny mind nature, they imagine things as the TV telling them.

So the local, where I used to tell people....you do things from the local, then community, then organization...then gradually extent out.

I say that did I?

Because their facebook its 100% best, and me Anna Facebook were the lousiest....they just assume its every guy's name I say, they don't exist on the internet. Jonathon this Jonathon that. 

UB Community, they just conclude, not even one guy on my facebook made it in life. If they just focus what its the right things to do, build up someone's life, their own facebook guys, or borrow my facebook even more finer. 

In the academia worlds, they proven themselves they lost their memory. Not UB South campus, small tiny, what those flyers for?

In the Business world, Anna I used to say that very very loud, you need a mentor. 

And whom is that you imagining the mentor hanging on the Television? Someone responsible for. 

"Yeah? Keep spinning, you see they spin, or I spin in thousand ways, you know exactly what you are, whom you are, whom you proven you would just do like the TV meant it. "

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