
Zac Efron? 2019? Re-write the Star?


They did the song first? before I done that in 2018 or 2019? Pardon ...me.


Are these human like JC, Justin, Britney, Christina, Disney Program?

Meaning their starts were always on the Disney Channels?

Now I am on their ages, Disney High School and Pitch Perfect.

So that Emily junks are 25, name Halliee? She would be the youngest....Nominji, isn't she is my brother's age, or the other Haillie? When they were 25, or when I was 30.

These human, Pitch Perfect has a trouble makers, oh ~~~ there is one girls groups, one is the guys groups. I already forgotton about the Disney last time I talked to them last year. 

I Always wonder your all growing up pain. I am at the 40s bracket, going with Eben. He is at 50 age, bracket with Keanu and Simon Cowell at 60 bracket, Brat Pitt those, and nick are 75+ bracket. I won! 

Disney High School Musical Human, and Pitch Perfect girls groups or the guys' groups have nothing to do with me, right? Meaning I only listen to NSYNC occasionally, we finished long time ago, called 5 Lords Reviews times.

I am the baby diper Huggie commerical.

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