
Your terminology, your vocabulary, your belief, eveyone gets in your way.....you want to start something harmless right at Unviersity of Rochester, UB South Campus, they have BIo 403 Professor unlimied flyers, you just read, and show up?

Your bf, or ex husband will feel, they will NEVER betray those fucking around guys, ending up on your phone calls machine?

Or Your ex husband, believing in...what was the UB South Campus, Medical Campus those Jonathon MD human at, you could just get in between the conversation, Why you doing there?

Explain yourself....

"I have read your flyers misunderstood, you are doing one of those RNA mechanism, not DNA every mechanism I used to be in the lab like my uncle....its called Mis Match Repair enzyme.

We are doing on exploring the nuclease, that is basically what we do. But your flyers saying...one of those these terminology, I used to be in Bio 403 Professor Pharmacy/Pharmceutical upper class for my medicinal chemistry minor major. 

There are these mechanism so fine...nite, to that micro level or RNA...meaning like RNA messenger. Are you aware those saying how scientists 20 years ago, or 10 years ago always saying the beginning of the life its RNA.

So that elongation of this DNA replication process...to saying the function of the RNA messenger, if I show you this diagram, could you tell me, what is every mRNA, T-RNA, to every origins of the theory beside what your saying.....to what I am really working on, these diagram 1 2 3 4 5?"

You want to send Reed a copy? Copy and Paste? 

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