
※※※※ Your parents needs to bring up Anna's subjects, or your sibling inside your house, doing nothing on the weekend, discussing something interesting about....

Every field Anna talks about the learning curves, they went to research and digest, read about online, research writing something down after their working time. They might be your friends, or sibling, ex bf. Your parents carried a normal conversation, you walk-in the door.

Tell me, which of this case I told you at what date of times? Last year? This is your new life, every day til the rest of your life. 


Anything you see, anything smell, anything you read, every movie, every TV, every stories plots, praise the Lords ever forever, every incident reminds you the Lords. or the 5 Lords.  


In the worlds of the large, someone will suggest you walking in your own street, its for your own safety, to proven it, why you just does this jump, flip, bounce, mind you, I am living inside a city, where all the intersection, of the night lights, day light, sunlight reflection to the human eyes.....there are every road cross, every avenue transpassing, to where a lot of people knowing me, when I retunr here 6 long years, they will tell you something about me, that not 16 long years ago, its not just UB 4 blocks 8 long years ago.


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