
You like the heavy taste, not just spicy means? Garlic? How do you process these garlic? You buy those Chinese big package only the California Coastline they sell those packages of fill up garlic

You have to crush them a lot.....if you want something to tasteful on the garlic? or you just eating it anyway? 

Like the bottle says "Garlic powder, or onion powder"? 

oh ~ 

uh....how do you be together gluey with the guys 24 hours in the same on-campus living? Mines is the far away distance UB 4 blocks human I live alone life....

Like you kiss once a day, at the bed time? Before you go to sleep?

Yeah, the personal question. Or Hallo, Goodbye, others his sister kiss on the cheek two sides? Do you hold hands together, do you going for a walk, do you gluey together to grocery shopping, or you staying inside the car? 

Or you don't bother saying, You two never shopping, always eating outside in the dining area of the Off Campus School living quarter on the Pizza night out, so its everyday on Dating period time.

Feeling like the College Dating bf or gf?  You saying that is a marriage?

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