
You know, the girls love to eat what food. This Zawanna and Kail sat there, I cannot sense it, but my vision were she opens her mouths becoming a particular movie effect ….

I cannot see the close look.

Ice cream. I told you if the guys like the ice cream? I order them 3 each, but then I afraid so 2? Small tiny cup scoop? Zawanna and Kail sit in their chair eating that, I didn’t see particular strange stuffs. But I tell you, a guy if you tell them what’s your favorite food?

It’s really ice cream and pastry ?

Maybe I rephrase, “what kind of the food you get fat with?

The guys face…don’t look anything clear to me.

And that’s my money in the end ? Not Kail’s pouche, I had a job? 

I take milk…but I told you not too much in the juice, that things is very very fat !!

Ice cream, I think they say are refine sugar. … … Do you wear eye glasses?

It’s between the Orthrodox, New Age or the American Medical Board?

What am I?

If you slim down, and live flush 20 times….I can make magic to you. For the guys, they can get old keep on liver flush, the girls may not be. So you must determine to give up food choice. When the time comes, I choose the later. 

The choice is liquidarian. I need the liquids, I cannot go on breatharian. My palate, and I need to stay in the water all the time.

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