
You are almost 40 years old...there will be 20 years old talking like that...And if they station overseas coming back...whichever bracket, and they are your ages?

 In America, I told you about this Pixie System. I told you the youth replaces the old very very quickly. 8 years ago, you could also just rise up....and stay there and continue to staying in that bracket you holding the power as if. 

Right now, that 10 years pass. You are almost reaching 40 years old, where all those 20 years old people coming out, coming up. You cannot stop them from growing to fill up your seat. You understand? You have to grow to be independently,....

How you lead others

How you handle others

How you grow beyond your parents, seriously away from it

You are mistaken with too many things. Some people just look at you, hear from you... "That's it, next."

Anna just emballish things to make you all feel good. That is a No.

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