
Tomorrow I think I go walking, eating all these rice....

Its oily rice, its not white rice alone, but that recipe usually are called for the glutenous rice. But I cook just the oil in the white rice with the hot chilly pepper (2 strips) chopped, and bok choi leaves, and one of this Chinese red ...medicine kinds, with shred carrots, salt, sugar, thick soy (sauce). Those don't sell in America.

Cilantro easy to change the color, so you add them only when you eating them. Its washing takes forever.... all these green veggie, needs to washing washing washing washing....

I have the bamboo Salad ready too. 

Today whole day I am eating Lychee + this Carole = zero stuff my mother always say....chew and bites + juice.

Lunch I have the other those you see the big cucombers wrapper stuffs with shred potato fried + carole = zero veg.

I have one small ice cream. So my weight went high. 

I didn't do anything indoor, its raining....I gonna go to sleep with all these food inside my stomach.

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