
The way how you are not just overweight, you are oversized....your foot will have a lot of a lot of problems to walk, or keep walking. You have to bend, curls, rise up your foot?

You cannot do all that. That is a bill from the foot doctors. My foot has a lot of problem left to right, to toes, to blisters. I walk with the sandle. You need the bandage to going inside the shower, after you come home....you gonna get on the couch with the foot coming from outside?

So you use the alcohol wiper, or you wash the foot, and stay on the bandage, keep walking 2 or 3 times a day. I wash my foot, but I surgical my foot, like now. 

There are blisters, there are hard skins, there are new hard skins, walking too much! 

And my weight are not your weight, oversize? That is a billing starting when you are young. You are not even 40 yet.

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