
๐ŸฅŸ๐ŸฅŸ๐ŸฅŸ๐Ÿ’ That is wrinkle, the photo in the Pinterest ๐ŸฅŸ๐ŸฅŸ๐ŸฅŸ๐Ÿ’

Wrinkles tells a lot of things, how health becomes down grading.....to abyss. You know....

Lalla has a best friend, blonde hair, smoking, dressing black, but its even medium height. I think the border might be calling you two best friends, to each other. Like Sep? Lost the parents, lost Berny, he die in the COVID 19.

Two different from me.... the direction walking the same direction towards me?

You know the supplement business, those....are parts of all your merchandise, how are you all doing it? ANyway....One things its they saying it. One thing its Babaji saying it. Just happened to at the similar time. 

"How lies....."

Black Beans Sauces

Bing? Dr. Bing Shen?

Bing Search Engine? China ~~~~~ or its just too American taste salty...I thought those only Asian eat them. Black Beans sauce....oh, there is a ไบ”้ฆ™่ฑ†่… If you mince them to booked together, they abosrb all the salty a bit, and makes the dish more nicer. These are Korean version. Not Taiwan eating that.

When nick were Adam's age, younger, 16, he immigrant to Canada, those time he just met some girls. They are all Italian. But one of his whichever age, he was having friends, in the car, there are very old wrinkle women exists. 

He friends has a job.

He tags along I guess, he never told me what jobs are those.

Those things of every youngests thinking of the money, to one day they become age themselves having money or not, then looking at you wrinkle....its probably stop taken supplementary with salty these much black beans sauces.

Did I say salt I eat ...Gravy. American Gravy are white. 

These are not you both having great time eating together, what you both really wish to do its to eat together well?

I heard one of those tales.  Its not the instant noodles saying American? Girls? Adam Davis saying Ramen noodles when he got sick. American dollar stores one of those?  He is the one telling me Spam are instestine, or something left over from the animal, and these ASMR, they eat SPAM from American, you know.

How do you eat the instant noodles? Hot water boiled with the slice 5 carrots? break in half? Decoration? Or you add the eggs, or meats or side dishes, like lambs?

Gazro....isn't that Dean's name?

You know chips are not Southern Nacho chips football stadum food has to be....like Adam and Hailey one of those....oh no, they are from the coastline. just looking all about the same white guys girls. 

Isisah...home coming King, Quarter Back, not one of those side guy Adam Davis, in Kentucky. So its not Dean the quarter back, its Isiah, his smile is very cute, at my height SAME TABLE Seating, he is my chem high school same table human. There must be something wrong with these guys. The first human I met in my class in Kentucky, his name is Quarter back. His nacho stadum.....He would be Khan, and Adam David would be like Ronald Weasley. About right sounding.....

But Isisah those class, Keith one year after...Isisah knew a lot of those ROTC guys. A lot normal American white boys guys just looks like the Police overweight shape, anyway. I thought ....those overweight its your police say it. Its not.....

I believe it.

(Shut up, birds. What so funny....hysterical, they are evil)

Shut up shut up shut up~~ I don't need to know.

Does this Eben Pagan wants to have a chat with the birds?

(Shut up~ birds. I didn't ask you.)

Maybe Isaiah height its one of those Adam's height? These TV funny, they pick Jason looking and Adam Davis looking, those are not popular guys in the groups. And they become....a charming Story board?

Its not the first time I seeing that....but it happens so often. You have a popularity saying at the school, they always do the strangest thing on the movie. 

And then Dean becomes the quarter back? I thought American football its more famous and heat it, then the Hockey? You have just about everything looks very strange to me on that TV naming, positing, barns house, dusty.....Scott has an asrthma...

What is this?

You know...encourage people its one thing. Really the main role of several characters are never the main possible characters. They are not very popular?

(Shut up!)

Is every hot iron plate, fume...hood required?


And if without?

Like your kitchen without the hood. But if you just does the raw food, and pickle, and juicing....and there are deep fryers, you only fried every blue moon? The way how to make the correct potato fries are from the cold water soaking? If you succeed those, you can freeze all the food packages from the instant fryers. When your friends come, that is what you and them eat, some bites? The curly fries?

I still eat occasionally.

When I fried those my mother love to eat those....are not eggs. White batter. The eggs are very very fat, I think. It all looks the same when you seeing outside, but if you dealing the package of the food, I don't do those eggs wrapping for Eben. White batter, for their friends, too fat already.

Eben probably can afford to buy 3 color bell pepper. Those can chew....right now I chew on chips. But any pepper, raw, are watery. 

Meaning hydrate very well. The raw food not all the time for me, but I gradually gravitated towards it....its pesiside, you wash well the outside skin. Its 3 color. The Raw food its more expensive. It is....but I didn't say I gonna go on a completely raw.

The New Age movement one of those Dr. Gabriel Raw Food expert will recommend you a lot of those direction, because your palate will change. You will know that. I just cannot eat other things anymore.


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