
Talking about the food, I haven't really eat anything regular plates, like for ages. You see those spinning plates, that is how big my dishes are.


These kinds of Korea food? That is your meal. Not my meal. 

I put some stuffs in my mouth, that is how much I start to gain weight, I told you, just drinking the juice of that ice, I become the fat, because I dump the buttom more heavy ones. Or I should talk about it? 

Taiwan news says about these Youtuber ASMR, they gain like 40 pounds, very very fast and they die on it.

Babaji says eat it none stop since I was walking...starting of my walking. Like anyone is on the weight programs?

I can eat small cup, not the regular those big size instant noodles. Asian we have small cups, cheap too. They use those big big bowl for the regular istant noodles.

Right now I am eating the watermelon, I had some chips, I don't want the instant noodles. 

.... .... I think about it. I buy...can I wait to wait? 

You know...the way how I see you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner...and I keep walking none stop, and my weight never really move it, you know how much works I did on the juicing? 

Is there someone records that since the COVID 19, how much weight we gain?

62.5 to 66.3 = about 4 Kg.

Babaji; Define gain weights for me.

uhm?! ....(Shut up, birds.), oh no...if I reach the landmarks, someone needs to tell me, I have to get down the weight, not that 74kg, I took the photo, I never see myself? That was 2019 my brother came home that Christmas, the family reunion, I was so fat. 

You mean the weight stays there for a while? 

Babaji: Yes~~~?

When was I 66.3 wait.... Karen's birthday, 66.00 to one time 66.3

Babaji: So that is 66.0?

Next day its 66.1

Babaji: Steadic....

Steady Ic..oh ~ no. Those are not steady. One day. oh ~ so that is not gaining weight? Becoming the fat permanently.

Then saying 65.5 average that time for 2 weeks, one and half, because I was 64.

So 3 Kg I gain weight COVID 19.

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