
Steve Jobs

Your love affair am Indian tall girl? It’s present right in front of your eyes. Snatch it? You would, wouldn’t you? Two one fucking sandwitch ? It’s 4+1 yielding …great? 

Dead people don’t have a voice, for sure dead people never will get invitation. You see, Buddhism has resources, Unix is another operating system. So called monkhood suppose to have the zero internet other than the Wikipedia, and whom would have thoughts whom wrote Wikipedia, they operate by purely donation and back door deals.

Plus within China seize right the shopping world like Line.

Imagine …a brand new world where the old robots recycle after the New. What would that ever be? Egyptian God head….

It’s a channel of the purchase, it’s a channel of the New World.

The monks or nunhood only needs socks, water, tea, period pads….they all have a heart to all that give a two cents how they new world runs on their phone without the suit.

Isn’t Apple getting nothing but the lawsuit, anyway?

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