

First or the second set of the Charlie's Angel gone to the phases of "Miss you Already."

This is the new Thirds Charlie's Angel, short hair to the Moonlight Bella. Muslin they are 4 wife to one husband. You keep pushing that between the 2 guys, in facts its already zero long time ago over....

I just gonna tell you what I think whom saying all these?

Just listen to the Riley saying this.

1) NEVER groups yourself to the girls, no matter what. Separate your life, to only focus, and serve that one guy in your life.

2) Separate the girls groups, for every guy has their preys always on holding to that one particular inside that every group.

3) Don't gather the girls groups, all these saying are loud and clear.

4) Give the guy's support

5) Don't live alone as one girl under the Moonlight, whatever that means to you in the end.

6) Whatever sounds worse of the guy's words or wisdom, I already say their hierarchy or IQ is much higher, and sustain to their body structure. Their brain development just not like the girls, shrink in, to downgrading your own evolution, and by the way to drag someone together down.

7) Cooking, Cleaning, Washing yourself, fixing things how you live as the modern girls in the modern environment, these guys are not the nearest to you now, but this one worlds, every guys like them, are the most Godly nice human in this world. There is nothing wrong to give them every support no matter you are far or near. Not hate "neither Nor", one of those saying. Praise that God, its never Arabic Night. Thank God everyday, they were kind, and mild to you, no matter how you seeing all these were ended badly.

All that you cannot understand, you have nothing but blames, one day, that bitterness will reflect to your body. Someone probably already warning you clearly. 

The secret under the Moonlight.

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