
So Anna me field supposed to be in the chemical industrial unit, like the industirial area, not residential, whereas, not bio?

No, not bio. 

So Anna my attitude on the real conference table annually year, per quaterly....

It should be at the Chemistry Department Upper annual conference table like those AGT judge panel table, where the women groups are rarely exist...You have very little women made it in the science field, you imagine they make it.

So the 25 International High School Science Synopsis, you Anna would be at the Long table at...the front tag judge panels as? The Chemistry Department, that table?


Not Bio?

No, not bio. The Russian scientists - the professional killers will be at the Bio, because that is the money wired at. All research going into the Bio. 

So the chemistry are not the money wired at research?

They are all governmental regulating agent, because you deal with one thing....Water habitat. All living worlds requires the water, the good water, not pollutant, or heavy metal water. Those are just you can say, directly reports to the governmental, will sound like you know what you are doing. 

The tree, the river stream, the beaver, the animal, the sea, marine, air....everything contains and required the water, called this Blue planets. If the water die out, gone, every worlds in this one Earth will be annihilated....those you just better saying you exist in the governmental agency side, not manipulating, will sound like you will ever get hired.  You never get your periodic table wrong, so that nuclear waste or site needs to be evacuated completely or permanently.

So the Food Networks will hired?

The chemist. Per spoon labeling.


The commercial kitchen running goods required per spoon accuracy, to duplicate its process to ensure the taste stays the same "perfect formula" that the consumers will buy? You mean that guy 20 years ago at the Food Networks, or you intend to get a job now at the TV station now?


I think you go for the chemical engineering would be better. Like 小龍 Her father. She is not important, but he is very important. My father's university friend. They live in the California, next to the movie star. He is important.


Its the chemistry and the physicist use the same periodic table?

Of course.

What's the difference?

I think you don't know what you are asking. If I describe to you.

Semi-conductor of the car chip, the cell phone chips manufactures in the Asia, requires only 2nd categories exam personnel. Silicon. That is on the periodic Table, where you create the Silicon Valley. They are high tech company, not running the raw material research headquarter somewhere else. 

Semi- metal, its on your periodic table, where you see these bend rubber like Kitchen wares...you ever seen? Rubber? like folding in? I show you.

I cannot find it. They are green looking, fold it like 3 tiers inside. Its a material science, some kitchen women might told you they have seen it since 20 years ago. 

Its a container.

Meaning they are using the same periodic table, or the chemistry science? Like what?

Same...Elon Musk will use the same melting point, or boiling points of that car tiers....

The rain, the ice freezing points, to the tier on that fraction of the concrete every annual year Govermental budgets on fixing my winter pipe under...carrying the household usage water.....

The Brat Pitt name Rusty....

That water pipe under every road, to every house, belongs to?

Me. Winter especially....they freeze if the house hold left unattended to their summer vacation somewhere else no snow. Because if the water don't drip at the kitchen constantly, they will freeze, and exploded.

So if saying the Hunger Game, by subjects categories.....You Anna choosing, per Class Yearly, you would be?

At the Chemistry Department. 

By outfit I won already, not just by math...

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