
Prepare 10 things at one time...that is probably 2 course + 1 veg washing + sink 10 mins water running

 A lot of preparation.

        2 Kinds of vegetarian meat soak in water a) by itself b) with the flat carrots and seedweed

        One course my mother had for some dinner snacks = 4 Vicemilla,soak in the hot water on the side, while the veg meats washing water, rinse, few times.

        Cilantro washing 5 times, in and out, until clear,+ salt, set aside

        King mushroom re-assort in the clean plastic bag for my mother, wipe the vinegar of that drawers, and use it to cut in half, thick size, to prepare with other veg meat, to fried later. One of the two course.

        Vicemilla this one dish has its own veg thinner meat, soak hot water with the Vicemilla, and both done, to rinse the cold water, set aside, cut that 3 slice...like carrots, quota about 30 x 3= 90 cuts, thin strips of veg meats.

        2 ready to fried.

One veg bag smelly, so I re-assort the good or bad, to heat the pan ready, for all those dry ingredient ready to set water burn away, from the veg meat strips. So at the same time, cut the root of the veg, and out skin, inside its usable.

This one course = shredded carrots, strip veg meat 90 cuts, re-assort veg (10 mins water running cleaning sink, water my hands twice, + washing the board wiht the soak, hand different soap, not too high, so touch the bucket of the vicemilla.....so many actions, how do I explain to you) + soy sauce+ a lot of sugar for 4 vicemilla + salt, basil and black pepper, A lot of Oil, to heat them, after drying them with the dry stove heat.

Then Vicemilla, then use scissor cut them.

There is a lid to be use, not fit, so 2 chop stick on there to hold the veg + carrots to cook 

Then dump, the soy sauce, salt, sugar, and vicemilla. 

Lazy human does lazy things.....

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