
Pierre and Meghan oh ~In California? 鼎泰豐? Do they drink the bubble tea 3 times? That is very expensive in America 珍珠奶茶在美國很貴耶 吧 ?

I actually have to run the entire World, governing stuffs with this Movie Crisis, so I cannot stay in the Kitchen all the time. I only know how to make the dumpling, fried or steam

我其實只會做餃子跟鍋貼煎皮的...美國人會喜歡吃鼎泰豐? 是講中西部那種食物?

But let's say American like 鼎泰豐? You mean everything its small and tiny? You can learn at home doing all that, if Mac N Ronni cheese? There are ways you can run in the kitchen to learn all those dim sum making, and its not 10 in one of those bamboo container.

American like the Bubble teas? The guys like the bubble teas, those QQ things you chew? 3 times? That many people all holding up the bubble tea? 

~uhm....You mean Tea?

Bubble Tina used to loving it so much, she buy the Tapioca bubbles to cook at home, to make herself whole day drinking that in her college year, 20 years ago. Flushing New York, its where the Asian kids are near New York City. 

Tea changes my teeth color, after that Wild Honey Bible Recipe...I quit drinking of any of that...last year, long time ago. 


uhm...We have this night market, the beginning of the road, guess what is it? Italian thin pizza or the other side the ducks special store. No, I never buy them even I might be told to go there checking all this offering food 2018-2020. That is how I gain these much weight.

Where I live the places, are very convinence to the night market (morning market to purchase all the veg, fruits...) At night, its the vendors, the way how you all looking, you never cook to sound like a house wife at all....It can save loads of money, if you just turn everything inside one kitchen and share between several household

Like Eben's parents, or my own father.

If Tina later has the kids growing up, you know, there are home, more cleaning to see the hygenic, cared for the health reason, and in home setting, to talk? 

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