You know what I am seeing today. Someone kinda dress like my mother goes to the Taipei center ideas? You are not moving away that metro line saying 5, 4, 3, 2 ....1, grave yards? How nice.
Do you know why the girls kinda destine to go to hell, forever? not just half eternity, its matter how sad the guys are, many of them, just die in agony, like angry, hysterical, no money, hungry to die, homeless, psycho on the street, no memory where they about, but they die, without making one sound.
One sound....nothing.
你們知道我今天看到呷咪? 某人穿著有點像我媽去台北小中心的主意? 你們不是要搬家那個捷運的 ...5 4 3 2 .....1 墳墓區~真好!
你們知道為什麼女孩子是永恆的地獄,不是一整個永恆而已? 因為無論如何男孩子多麼的難過,很多他們就死在生悶氣、非常謝斯底哩,沒有錢,很餓的死掉調,沒有家,心理瘋子問題在街上,沒有記憶自己在哪,但是他們死,沒有一絲絲聲響.
你們是跟我講認真還是 ???? 你們前途光明的意思?
You are talking to me seriously..???? Your entire organization future path are bright and shining ?
他們還說要像 Toby and Dr. Bing Shen, 還有誰坐在 Toby 隔壁亞洲人?是 Dr. Bing Shen's 學生還是 Toby 的最要好朋友是 Duke 的?
They also say, be like Toby, and Dr. Bing Shen, and whom sat next by Toby, an Asian girl? Is that Dr Bing's Shen's student, or Toby's best friends from Duke?
Dr. Bing Shen 他結集最好的上海學生到他的實驗室吧 ?
Dr. Bing Shen collects best students from ShangHai, China
Toby 她...我沒有覺得她離開過實驗室耶! 這些實驗室如果你們失去一年,你們會變成之外....的每一件事情我覺得!
Toby she, I don't think she ever stopped working in the lab? These lab if you lost one year works, you got off your .....everything I think.
你們是說要打坐的女的,有知識叫做不是越南小尼姑的短腿跟智商等於零的重複,然後我需要做完所有事情 ....她說錢都是她賺的 ...真的
You are saying its to meditate and its a girl, requiring the knowledge, to not Vietanese little nun, the short legs, to the IQ equal zero, repeat, and I need to finish everything....she says money its she earn it...really.
你們知道你們的宗教在 Wiki 在她的名字上面寫邪教
Do you know, your religion on Wiki, her name saying its a cult = evil denoumination.
你們現在一定是說哪種 ABC?
You are now saying it must be which kinds of ABC?
I think you are dreaming, and you are telling me about your dreams.....
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