
清海無上師繼承者 (生化講 Lab or Evolutionary Biology = UB 演化學?) | 你們怎麼不說跟 2007 年的電視劇本 『公主小妹』是中山女中的開始,那是前三志願耶! 然後去美國考個 PCAT,叫做沒有真的愛上

Supreme Master Successor ( You say the Lab, or you mean the UB Evolutionary Biology?) | Why don't you say you follow the TV script 2007 "Youngest Princess" to where the beginning its my High School Girls Schools? That is the Top 3 Schools, and then going to the America, and apply that PCAT, seeing yourself if you fall in love?

我其實覺得你們的缺點是說: 你們師父當年是僧侶裝很久,可能是不需要穿內褲的! 以前我們立人是從小訓練的,站在太陽底下沒有水, 有時候女生下體的所有東西,你們其實根本就不愛這種教理,叫做臉皮的事情,你們根本就不喜歡聽到你們師父講了什麼過去 ...

Actually, I think your weakness are....Your Master at those time when she was 30 something were in the Nun Chinese Robes for a very long time, possible not even wearing the underwears. In the my time old time, the private elementary school, we were trained starting very small. Standing under the sun, without the water. Sometimes the girls below those underwear stuffs, you don't really love those teaching, called the face skin issues. You don't love you don't like what your Master saying anything about her past.


Then, why don't you saying that Chemistry is glue next by, that Chemical measurement are called the Math? 

你們台灣知道你們在講什麼嗎 ? 我說這個位置會 vacant 很久很久很久,這個團體其實是靈修團體....是一個有點 ascetic 的某種精神的團體 ....我其實覺得叫做永遠不可能,你們師父死了沒? 怎麼不問問她呢?

Do your Taiwan knowing you what you are talking about? I think that position will vacant for a long long long long time, this groups is called the successor because...its a spiritual ascetic somewhat groups. ....i actually think, its forever impossible. Where is your Master, she dead yet? Why don't you ask her an opinion of some views, neh?

我還看到車子,叫做我走在大馬路上面恍神的瞬間~~~~~~你們是要在哪裡去死? 加拿大的 Queeney? 你們怎麼不搬去 UB叫做只是一個州立大學,你們的未來堵住出家的矜持....聽說是要繳錢錢的才會有的什麼房間睡覺覺的,你們要不要先跟 OPP 說你們要黏過去,叫做有可能的開使 ......

I also see car....like I walk on the road padestian...to when the momentarily my spirit mistplaced~~~~ You want to go where to die? Canadian Queeney? Why don't you say, you migrant immigrant to UB, its just a state university, your Future bet on it, asetic nunhood hold still within virtue, face skin issues, to .....I heard you need the money now, in the world to actually rent a room for as long as you ever lived, do you want to call OPP saying you are glueing there, to when there is a possibility, how to, sorry, a beginning....(


我其實覺得你們好像在加你們的 requirement, that is not 2007 TV Scripts 哪已經不是只是 2207公主小妹電視劇本的基本 required.

I think you're adding up your all new requirements, that is not anymore 2007 TV Scripts, that is not the Youngest Princess TV scripts, the basic requirements.......


Have you ever checked, if she against her vowing words witness by Gods? She has to be a nunhood.....


I often think, you are gambling away your own very life.

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