
Is the Rice cooker, has other recipes? Yeah

Loving Hut has this Coconut Tumeric looking yellow rice.

There are Tomato rice.

You could engineering whatever you want to eat on that recipe.

We Taiwan has this Oily Rice as the glutenrous version of the particular commerical goods, at the vendors. My mother likes them, we don't dare to eat that, because its very fatty on glutenous rice. So I change that entire recipe to suit for my needs. You could see what you come from..American only likes this Cantonese types of the American Chinese Food.

Taiwan Recipes...and homey....You don't find too many Taiwanese, do you?

You have eaten the Korean food, the Sigapore food, or Mexican Food, or Pita those human eat, or Japan food or Chinese take out food (Cantonese), you don't ever hear about Taiwanese food? 

American has so many this picky things, well, you can just cook the Write Rice correctly and mix with the clean washed Kale. That is you open the rice cooker, and dump all the kale in, in the end, 5 mins. You cannot possibly tell me, what those blend things you cannot put in your mouth. American has all kinds of the reason thinking the Asian food are funny.

You can eat Macronni and Cheese? That is Kale with Pasta and Margarine + any type Eben eat veg meats. Those things sometimes are too heavy taste. Tofutti....I don't really like them. Might be Chinese 五香豆腐 that is a darken skin outside tofu chew at.

The indian eat those White long grain rice, you could find the Cinnomon and Calaway Seed?

That is one thing just cook by itself, for anyone just one human making it a day home, you have something ready to eat. ( the birds laugh....they are funny.)

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