
If I don't eat carbohydrate, how do I go to bathroom? You mean today?

The photo I show you this morning, that is the Long and big cucumber from local Taiwan. So to process that dishes, you length them in different cuts, and then you cut in the middle to scoop out the middle seeds. 

I fried the Bok Choi leaf parts, get rid of the stem. Chop that with the shredded finer carrots + flour. You only need tiny water to roll them into a ball, fried them. The only carbohydrate its the glueing together flours. There is no meat, no soy meats, or tofu, which the original recipe calls from those ingredients. Once I fried that, I put it back in the big cucomber seats, and water boil them underneath in that big pan.

Bamboo are only the fibers. There is no carbohydrate.

Lychee, are just fruits and water. I eat almost the whole batches.

2 Ice cream, so small, you cannot understand how small that is. Its a vegan coconut milk ice cream.

That is it. I had one box small watermelon in the morning, and I drink water, and juices today.

ITs a lot of food compare the whole week. That is one entire big fat cucumber. But because of that push, in the afternoon, I went to poo very strongly, 3 long...like the ascending colon, transcending colon, and descending colon poo....that is as much as you should come out with.

oh ~ yesterday I had finish that small container rice. I was going to give to my mother, she didn't eat that. 

The fried foods were all my mother's lunch, I got shocked. She eat the rest of the fried food from yesterday. All of it, so she only eat the one cucumber seat that looking. 

Is that big cucumber the same cucumber? Same. The Pinterest photo. oh~~ I like that kind of dishes. You give me anything American food, I am in Taiwan....I rather to eat what I always look at it. Doesn't your American lands always say how fat those food are anyway? Like pop drink, those are not for the liquidarian? I was mistaken....

I heard American meat has a lot of this injection of the cow from the pharmaecutical....what do they call that...so Taiwan pig, and American import last year starting that business to Taiwan import, they have to label, its the pig from Taiwan or from America here. 

American food don't have pastry right? Those are Koshi..meaning French? The fallen shitty stuffs. Sprinkly....dropping...do you have a word saying what that are? Puffing fallen pastry skins? 

The cereal and milk are very fat, I am telling you. It ruins my entire GI track system that one day on. I remember very very clearly. Like years I don't have the cereal and milk. I miss my elementary school cereal childhood memory with the milk in Taiwan, so I eat a bowl. What a regretable things.  Its a Kowala branding. You don't have that in America. Its from Nestle.

What is bamboo fibers means?

American don't sell the tropical here sub-tropical weather Bamboo. You sell the Asian vaccum, at the Asian store, or jar or can bamboo, like those Chinese take out. I am not sure if Eben comes to Taiwan at all. But at the night market, there are one primitive vendors, all raw bamboo looking on the ground, where if you order what you want, they chop the skin off right for you there. Its a little bit pricy, but my mother buys them. I boiled them like 20 mins with the shredded carrots to mix some other cooked egglant with the mayo.

You chew them, you will realize there are nothing but fibers, if they are not cooked. Too big chulk to Bite BITE BITE.....


I am cooking the second batch of these bamboo (2), for tomorrow, the lunch box.

It takes 20 mins water boil salt and sugar. You use a lot of water, yeah.

Are they mucusless, yes. Those are vascular plants. Anything vascular plants ideas, they are...well, you are chewing fibers. The Bamboo has nothing but only fibers. Its rather strange when i just bite them off? You bite the raw one, you know what is the fibers....entirely fibers. You cannot eat that. You spit it out, you need to cook them.

Like Taro, Ku says he likes, or Sweet Potato or Potato, no. Those are not Muscusless. But...Dr. John R Christopher, did he says sweet potato? I don't really like any of that, except the regular fries. I eat them, but its not the biggest things I have or not having them. I like my mother shredded cut them, and fried them a bit.

As long as you don't eat chulk, which you don't chew and you just swallow it...your entire digestion system meant the stomach acid digest the food, you drink any liquids to dilute that acid to becomes the weak acid, especially you eat meat patty.

If you eat fishes, isn't that better? They mushy the entire fish to becomes the patty. The fish meat. The concenrated fishes?

There are too long certain things I change my life with...I started 23 years old. I almost will be 40 next year. How many year is this...17? My age is inverted ....

This is rubbish. ET lives forever, why don't you gang up on them...really.

Your entire GI track is your digestion system. If you let it cool it off, meaning no food in it, just water, you don't spend all your life forces to digest a piece of meat, which loads of fats, and cooking oil.

Like a mushy egg salad, is better than the meat beef patty. Those real meats are very very chulky, do they get digest at all inside the stomach ? You eating while you are talking, so you don't chew your food with your siliva. There is nothing got digested inside your stomach by magic. They become the plqaue, like those colonix testimony showing you.

Well, there are human, I would say, many followers of those Mike Adam, or Healthy Eating human are not planning to quit their diets, like they follow Dr. Will Turtle or Dr. Gabriel. They detox its to eat more food.  There are people like that none stop liver flush...they don't necessary drinking the juice, but they know what those are.

Hummus eggless salad, like I share that link from SMCH to Eben? Those has no egg. Just hummus paste. Anything paste forms, those are semi-solid forms. You eat by spoonful, you can fill up your stomach. A lot of people will tell you, that is a good sign, how you started at your mouth, to swallow the chulk.

In America, no, there is no Bamboo. Unless you find it those sour vaccum bamboo, yellow looking? Mine here are white fresh looking.

In America, there are Kales, and Rapinni. Those you can chew. Like the Rapinni salad. That stem has to be cooked a long while with tomato.  Let me think what you have....you have eggplant, zucchini, and brocolli, and cawliflour, those you eating raw. Brocolli and Cawliflower, they can cleanse your stomach.

People will do those zucchini raw noodles. Those are fine too.

Eggplant and Tomato in Indian those book, what do you called them, Arjuveda, you need Tumeric powder to cooked it a bit. Its a night shed plants. I only currently eating them, not that I fansy always eating them. There might be a reason. 

I naturally don't like tomato, but Italian, they eat a lot of tomato sauces.

Tumeric, and cumin seed....I think tumeric and cumin seed itself its a fried, then water added soup base. Indian has some spice of usage, if you just learn it like Chinese culinary. Spice parts for your taste bugs. The warm soup for the stomach, its how excellent you becomes those water base producing....one of those having a real taste just about anything supposed to eat it down, with a taste (?)

When I was in Canada, there is a particular can fruits, that is yellow, they can be chew at. Those might be pungent, they say the outside smell or what? They are process in the can. I think the US selling them too?

Its called the Jack fruits. Those can be chews. They are musculess....Fibers. You chew you don't know that just chew like a fibers? 

When you losing weight...

You need to have your elimination system opens. Both the urination and the pooing parts. Per day. If you eat 3 meals a full meal each, you need 3 times pooing, I think that is what they say. I only poo once a day, but you don't know what I really eat?

Its strange how much weight I can really gain....

Most these fruits are expensive, if you go on juicing, or raw food. But you have to make a decision, in the end of that, you will change the diets for the rest of your life...because that entire process are just too expensive too waste it. You know what I mean? 

I preserve my entire GI track system, for a lot a lot a lot of money, sun walking, moon walking, water, air, forest, none stop those regulate my life. I input my time, energy space and time, meditation....those investment, I have to change my....semi-solid food? 


When I was in the US?

no. I don't eat Banana or pears, or apples. One things its the UB near by, towards lockport, has a greenhouse, they sell a whole box of the orange. When I move to the Marley's house, its righit near that highway, short cut highway, towards right at the greenhouse, from the ending of the 4 blocks. Same direction. MH talks about the orange, I think that is what he lives on, everything else are just way too expensive, and finds it. 

Nick goes on with the carrots juices. I live on the orange more of the celtric belt fruits, meaning grape fruits, and lemon added in. I just feel better and cheaper in America. I don't like the carrot's taste or the colors. 

Here...My mother carry, so I try out that Dr. Christopher recipe, combine apples and the carrots. I think there are some healing effects of it.  Including the combine that apple and the carrots. There are....They are different from the celtric belt fruits.

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