
I think My landlord he eat Sushi, I have found on that Facebook 2015 I create the Kenshing Cooking Facebook? Did I say what I did behind?

You buy stuffs from the store, you will have one of those plastic container, with the rubber band? I put the sushi in there.

I test it. The regular rice, not the sushi rice itself.

Then if I refrigerate it next morning, that rice entirely taste perfect. The temperature of that fridge, those are nicely done. 

I told you I stay away from the rice? Yeah, this time, my mother probably feeling bad, I eat nothing, she eats FULL yesterday and TODAY, a lot of those rice, so I eat some. She prepare me some of the heated rice in the rice cooker, not she eats the entire loads disappear. 

All those photo I show you, the Indian bread, and the fried stuffs, she finished them all.

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