
I just leave Craig ETR a message 2 video ago.

"You know, talking something about serious...its too boring. I just had all these girls groups up running for a while. APO girls groups, CAC girls groups, and UB honor Class girls group, those all about 4 or 5 girls in each. Line App itself.....Now, your hair all over, you like anything conditioning? Shampoo, those stuffs? I do those things to my hairs....see and shining...one of those things? Funny?"

You see, he has all these video, you want to write one thing down, whatever he says, per weekly, one thing. Just one things to improve that in quote format. Like if he pushes you to think how to talk out....whom do you go to, and what you plan on doing? 

Brainstorming, and writing?  

I only say once a week. Like on the weekend, you do once, you do 3 times, you come back and tell me, how you feel about it?  You tell me, why in 3 weeks time, you think that might be something important in life, occasionally you wish to participate?

Right now Anna has 3 UB girls groups

You yourself, you could just bring your sister, or cousin on, if that is just one extra human. Your objectively goal, its to be happy. Really, I mean it. Sharing the ideas what to do things, sharing the cleaning tips, or supply, that you and your mother have a conversation gradually. 

Having a lot of girls together, you can bring that harmonious ideas of the girls, to keep fitness, and dress pleasing, so any guys, they just feeling it, its a nice groups putting it somewhere its fine? We can talk about




    Paper folders

    Zipper, plastic zippers


    Gift boxes

    Dollar stores


Chinese Smart Gadgets. 


This video has a ribbons, or what are that on the hands, you see?

Any of you, want to take the solo? Imagine in the mirror? 閃耀暖暖

That is the original song composed by that girl. ( You all have a jean by now, a white t-shirt with the pattern on it)


Be happy means

You push yourself to the limit, sometimes no matter what the trivial things to you, you will never be together with somebody.

You want to look at the AGT registration link?

You put your name in it? You don't need to show up, you just click on it, your heart pump out! Why don't you ask me what is like in the audition, you tell me you cannot breath, just by walking on the road there from the parking lot, to see that many huge lines of people......

Do you see the hotel venue at, from AGT?

When you go on your own life, you cannot just imagine, in every junction of life, hotel door, park entrance, or GPS airport, someone showing up there.....

How can you tackle this one tiny things in your life, you cannot breath

You running out of your air....die on the street. Inside your own car? Imagine these things inside yourself. What you really want to present right there, your outfit?




You have a brother or a cousin, or someone? Your father? You close? Help him fitness?

Limitation of life, its when you push it

You realize...there are the bigger world everywhere you turn, you have unlimited things to learn from .....To some, that may not be a thing, but sitll to you, its something matter. write it in your notebook, every steps how you get there.

If there is a brand new story, you wish to be the author, pen in, what kinds of the story you imagine?

Some girls like to write, creating a story, like my mother's friend. Writing a novel. 

She met a guy, scam all her money away, lost her ex husband for that one guy, for the novel, and the house. She moves to Rochester then return back to VA. 

These world full of the people imagining things inside their head, so that their face looks just as hurt as you, no matter how you sing the song, next by, or trying to stand in front of the mirror, looking at yourself, because everyone has illusion inside their mind.

Their priority of life its to live through life, in that illusion and breath to die in the end. Not really spirituality to restrain your own thoughts, or else, you will none stop turning that 4 limbs, jump, flips, bounce.....all the time.

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