
I don't know how you girls separate your "Categories". Everyone of this Science, or None Science field, there are guys. You girls would be in accounting?

Accounting means, like Dennis? Those Toronto has another Dennis accountant too? Like CPA, are accountant, so Tina? oh ~ 

So my brother is CFA, he is a business consultant, like Eben is the business consultant.

uhm....well, I am not too sure where the girls you all saying your experty are. Business attired, like those Law Librarian girls now dress like red dress girls? So maybe like Business social party those? You mean Eben Pagan?


Business administrative

Business Consultant. I think you need some liscense....uhm...where are this IQ brain = zero girls supposed to be? CNN journalist, those are writing samples. 

Sample writing !!! What a small worlds. The girls on CNN, where are the girls University major at? 

Never mind, the guys you go and finding your own groups, you have to divide yourself out, one person alone to face a lot of guys in whichever field, that these Pitch Perfect looks uneasy to you. If you are confronting a groups of guys, not just one guys, yeah, you freeze for sure.

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