
I am watching.....what?

oh ~ The skin care, Vogue?!

Right...if you girls all stop eating to look like Eben, anything you buy these luxury buying stuffs, will become accelerate, almost immediately.  These company its target the issues, I think so. But if you quit be eating that so much food, or solid food, to burden the GI track which is the digestion system stop digesting so harden food, like harden bread....your body will not be burden all the energy going to digest the food at the stomach, and you feel sleepy, when you lay down, the food will not be digested.

What was the primers again?

The paint on the wall has a primer, that is not a foundation right?

My eyes corner, its very very sensitive, I have to washing a lot of water every nights the entire eyes, or that parts, and I always have to have the eye creme Taiwan sell very cheap, to leave it there. The below eyes that eye liners, red line. I don't dare to pen like that at the lines...Too sharp. I actually use Hallo Kitty Eyeliners, did I tell you there? I don't know where to buy the eye liners, the only places its the Family Mart, they sell Hallo Kitty Eye liners, so that is what I have. They comes with the pencil sharpen, where the others probably don't. So I carry that.

The moisure, how do you say those in English? Preserve your Skin, that is in Chinese. Maintain, moisure, right?

Like lotions means?

No, I don't really apply that on my face, the eye creme, and loads of water none stop washing.....That has chlorine in it. I think some girls, or whom I saw they use Steam. Its a ...dog hoody. Inside out. I found out, if you do make up, I have to really clean well the eyes. Well, I don't have make-up other than the eyes. That is the reason. In Taiwan, we have these mode remove the eyes, small tiny dots, those? 

If you keep the water running per day, morning evening, just soaking it, or rinse, the water flows like they teach you in the chem class, like chemical regent, or anything emergency situation, only water...you preserve every parts of your skin. Like my jaw line I say the cashew I eat, they comes out those small things. 

I am not eating the cashew that much, and if I eat them those don't come out anymore, but still I keep washing washing washing. I don't see them anymore. Just keep washing under the shower, keep rinsing, keep washing. 

I think I see them eat solid food, like bread, yeah....well you go to Dr. Gabriel, when he will be dead, not telling you why, the juicing parts to the skin cares....its your kidney, filter system. Like you should just ask Dr. Gabriel if you can touch his face skins texture or Dr. Will Turtle..

Is Taiwan saying about Nominji? She used to 25 or my brother used to be Hallie's age? Or Bieber, or his side Hallie, or what, Shawn? I think Shawn were 1998? So he is older now, she is younger below.

My brother is 7 years young, oh ~ so they above 30+ years old now? 32? The Military school in Taiwan age limited are at 32.  You take test to going in. Your salary will be stable.

This girl is 25, she used to be 17, that is very young.

Do they mean the physical fitness? 

I am telling you, things requires built up, I just thought about it. The sooner, the younger the better, because for the girls especially true. Too many pain....if you adhere certain things, mopping floor, cleaning the windows, the door, the wall...the paint....Not that the guys are all lazy behind.

Instead talking on the phone, do something about the actually living in the dimension other than your mouth jobs...I am telling you, things if the girls rise up above those challenges, you can arrive certain things. Like Ballet people.

You stabilize your character.

You don't bumping all around, inside outside, like bubbling, every 2 seconds, the situation arrives. Your attention focus are not inside, like the negative thinking, or repetitive thoughts, these things ETR Craig or Eben they teach you too. A lot of people taught you, the very elemental things in life. You have to believe it the spiritual reason, don't' do that, its hell.

oh ~ This is what I supposed to be looking at?

I think you mean the body shape.

How not to get fat, or lose one or two pounds. Mine has to lose kg.

Physical fitness, and vitality, that is 2 different built up, you know. The guys always has the natural advantage starting when they were very young, at the teens, all those energy becomes the heights. Dean simply tiny jump, its all the way above the net.  

When I was 2018-2020, very busy at indoor, few incident outdoors....that I gain a lot of weight, and also no fitness. I just run sometimes inside outside task, not that I actually built up 4 blocks, or the 4 bus stop. Building up some of that its when you actually like it doing all that.

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