
Hunger Games and Catching Fire

Let's say you are the military that contemplate by the sheet your Senior Commanders given to you.... I am not sure some says it has to be real, some says no, some says practices at it.... I got confused.

But yesterday, there is one thing I didn't mention to you on that Harry Style Secrets. Its your Beauty Pageant. Fitness and the Beauty Pageant. Meaning what you eating down affecting your skin, pimpo things, you have to have a correct make-up when you show up your debuts.

For me, I am the type I built upon what my choices were, like this bracket of the Hunger Game/ Catching Fire differs from that Simon Cowell 2013 situation, I was not aware there is such things on the TV, on the Time, on the Star in the Sky....

This period of time Slam Dunk 78, I becoming aware last year.

I come out as the same category where my University Studies I pick and choose, why I had a career oriented degree. Re-positioning myself. You are determined, that this is your practice games, or this is your once for all "One time, you doing this Tony Robbin" Self improvement class, and for after 3 or 4 years, you lost the whimp, why you bother "self improve"? 

You have to develop a habbit, what is good for you in life. The continuation of your education, like swipe your room, vaccum the carpet, never leave the dirty dishes in the sink, waiting til the next morning. 

A lot of people will do the brainstorming with how they further advance their life goal, including the money, including the love life.

Your senior upper bracket Power Elites people prefer, you meant it, that is your entire life goal, the surging of your life transformation, whom you shall become = the mature personality and individuality that you ought to stand, talk, behave, vocabulary words in the correct tense, which words, or phrase to say things at what occasions.

Most time, what I Anna demonstrate, you blank out just right in front of the monitors or the PC screen.


You understand the English, but you don't know how you first responding that situation by literally transcribing your feeling, your rebellion, Vola, if you could come out something smart.

There are Adam/ Hailey situation in cut in between 2 French guys youtubers, that all of us are on the Taiwan small tiny island. You are American, you could go to another side of worlds, to where that, supposed to be, to cut into a conversation?

Taiwan meaning small tiny....worlds. Where no one cares about it.

If you land to where you think you care about it, how you would do things? Simon Cowell or Keanu Reeves, you care about it?

There is Eben Pagan issues, to then that Lalla makes a debut of herself to that material written on the Television and a Freaky Friday. You are a guy, you are a girl....you are not the first responding agent in front of me.....you thought through your vocabulary?

What is the military attitudes are, if you have the real back-end supports? Everyday you looking at your upper brackets?

You cut human in thousand millions pieces...no matter how you get it done.

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