
Do you girls want to introduce yourself to Dennis from UB? Starting your first sentence, "Your name so and so , divorce for 3 months, here is the paper"

Every dating manual will tell you, you all girls will have introduction of that hopeful nature in your imagination. 

Do you have sex, how often do you have sex? Your nature is that proportionally related to your sex life, and what is your thought on sex, since Dennis is a very rigid human, you all not considering him no matter what in UB, no matter what, anyway.

Just practice. He is a nice guy, never really make you the worse of yourself on many level. 

He is not like me, saying every 4 o'clock waking up morning has any worth in your existence at all, why don't you just be dead? 

Or Dennis cannot wait for me to explain to me, what is that 楊冪 her movies name Tiny 4.0. Do you know whom that is? 楊冪? She is in the Eternal Love with Mark Chao. The guy in my photo. Canadian ABC. He is married. To the girl same height close to him.

One year before and one year later, still looking the same.

Sometimes the guys imagination will be that, what if, they have never never never ever....seen a creature that is, so adorable, they will lost their momentarily attention, split out of their entire space and time?

The last story? Snow white and the baking with the animals? 

My kitchen is every single day like that....

They tell you a story about Life.

There is a life, when the career achievement makes it to...the shareholder. (Look at the China fireworks)

There is a life, made it with the model star. (looks at the gold on the hair)

There is a life, made it with the Corperation Top, to the new Opportunities. (looks at the face looking farmiliar)

There is a life, that is there waiting. (Look at the dates of each of these additional events happening engagement.... 2015)

Which story you wish others to say about you?

You girls probably don't remember what I comment you the very first time on this movie.

I say....Me Anna will remember, you all didn't

1) Lost the life force, vitality

2) Still fight fight fight life with the zealous just as you graduate from UB

3) Never wrinkle

4) Not gettiing sick and laying there, given up life, without money, or parents.

They give me an impression, might be like Dennis is this: You all are adult women having a fighsty life, and that image gives us hope, knowing you are all all right. Sometimes that image emballish, if Dennis really seen you in face, in the real reality, he will remember what he sees that 20 years ago...and now, you all become aged, and weary in Life, that life force of driven you, to soar high in the career goal, its no more ever inside your mind eyes. Not inside your eyes sparkle.

I say that before.

Its every movie like that to me.


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