
But in the age of 25 years old, many guys or the girls are supposed to? Talking like Anna's video "I Hope You Dance" to handle both cases of Adam Hailey, and Pierre and Meghan the drama school cases right on the Taiwan Youtuber

You don't see what is the bigger jobs, on the market? 

The narrative? 

There are some quiet human, like My Facebook UB, I don't really know whom making it, or quietly behind, just one person saving per daily costs. They got this cooking recipe, it will save their time, their weekly schedule, on making their own lunch boxes.

Do you know some human, they have to lay low, they have to be modest, and they save they save they save...for the raining day?

They didn't come to the TV stage to proven you those youngest where you been wrong, they just stand firm on what they believe it that road, saving, built a life. Saving, build up a life.

They didn't play the drama to their parents, they update the situation to their parents, they quietly just mild person does the mild thing, not showing up, not exaggerating accessory to say humility running low?

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