
And isnt' this Steve Jobs Biography was written by a CNN journalist? So you should read it carefully...that is very important. I bought that guy 1900 books.

There are certain books so old, they costs nothing! 

CNN is where the professionalism, you have to wear the right suit, the right tones, the right scripts. I watching the Korean jouranlist TV, after those The Day You Found Out?

SMTV cares a lot of stuffs, because its the Television productions, but CNN should be more, especially the skin care, you cleaningness, like ...the shower procedure not just dumping 5000 water on top of it. 

The entire organization, I am telling you, they are competitive...whatever they are doing these. A lot of people volunteering in that, really. I don't know if they all don't have money, because its free volunteering works, but you have to be professional about it.  There are many many Europeans.

Like most of these SMCH photo on the internet, they are all being "made". You could just re-make a photo? Not Live show. Its MADE photoshop.

Supreme Master Television, those ABC. The initiate, the Supreme Master Television staffs. That is 2014 3 video + 1 video in 2015. That is 8 long years ago, what they used to look like. 

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