
A pianoist is an accompanist. Meaning on the side to make the main melody of the singer to Star. (La la Land 2016)

In a Party. There is a man, there is a wall vase.

In a Night Club, there is a piano, there is a Singer Tina Turner.

On the Earth, there is Day, and there is Night.

But at La la land, where meets the sky...its? A riddle? 

Validate Truth were if...there is friendship, there is a romance, there is a scene. That making a scene its a night club at. Yet to Broadway. Where the normal sense of a human of that guy would tell you, where he furthur advance. 

Its the Broadway. 

Whatever it means to you at Modern. (Victoria Secret, Modern = Killer)

On TV Board Story

Most audience will prefer the story of a man and a women, no matter what, not a bunch of the girls giggling like....Pyscho, and certainly not becoming a reality of a Voka Shot, and got caught by Michael Vartan, for whichever reasons he meant to some girls heart, no matter he is PETA, or he is a vegetarian. That outlooks changes. The girls groups just don't sustain.

Its best a girl will glue to a guy, not that career choice will ever, Anna in my entire life, I will tell you that is what I heard. Its not worth it. My entire life, I often hear that, before I met nick. 

In the school time. I don't remember who tell me that, I don't remember whom we discuss as the group, or learning that. I just gonna tell you that is what I heard. No matter how soar high a women's career heighten without a guy, that to everyone's look, its a sad story to be put on the TV screen one day.

That is EVERY story on TV. 

You might be envy to the girls that having a career, maybe. For me, things I rather give up, that is how me and nick stays together. If I go ahead, I know I won't be together with him. That was the choice that time ...not just I didn't find the glues yet. I give it up. That is a true story.

No, I would not tell him that. 

Being a Girl

You have several things to offer, under a guy's in your that tiny household. Maybe the women's right soar high. Maybe. 

Maybe you think you can surpass the guy's IQ. Maybe. 

Most science worlds are the guy's world, their IQ just a lot more difference than the girls. A girls can quietly dealing that moon phase of Time, cleaning up yourself, healiing yourself, polish your language, polish your internal structure, health wise. Cleaning up the household water pipe, garbage disposal, the trash bags, the plastic kitchen bags....like you organize the structure of the entire house. 

    Interior Design

    Bathroom clean up

    Bubble bath study

    You can massage the guy, cooking the guys lunch and diinner box.

    Budget the vegetarian meals, to lose weight, and publish a writing sample like an ebook at the home setting, design a catchy eyes ebook cover. 

    Water the garden, the yard, study the air, the vaccum machine.

    Clean the floor mat, the carpet, the bathroom corners....

    Knowing that one guy you choose to be with, that life its the most important relationship between you and him. What does that mean?

     You know you are an independent to him, but not just lean on him, but having your own world of happiness. That including your own subjective mouth saying swaying words this or that, that or this....most time you don't know what you are saying it. You put the target on falls just how wrongful everyone it is, other than you.


You probably just don't hear a word I say. Because of the women's right just so liberate. Yeah? Fine.

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