
3:20 this is for Eben, the purple rice, I seen that 25 years ago. My family they eat out, vegetarian good Western Dish restaurant, Eben eat Black rice.

I cannot really eat rice. 

He is the Taiwan English youtuber, he says he shrinks? Isn't he just 30+, if the human just stop eating, and going on the juicing, your skins care won't that soon get wrinkle. The vitality, you should study what the Steve Jobs biography really saying that human 1900s saying. 

Parents Traps, are a movie.

But Grape Yards, there are every reasons why that is the only things to glue on.

You know how long I haven't seen a real meal like that? The guys are so lucky, anything they put in the stomach, they don't get an inch....of fat.


你們沒有覺得應該,跟你們的世界有點,文化應該 be?

You don't think, you should be connect to your own world? The culture should have been?


You know whom by when they switch how many times these Indian 500 years old, whichever one of them....so ashame you guys,.....how many this Indian 500 years old can there ever be?

Swami supposed to have precept.....just look at the Dr. Steven Hairfield, no wonder, every Budedhism falls I am telling you. No shame doing all these....at all.

你們不覺得這印度五百歲一直在交換到哪個,印度五百歲,你們真的有夠沒有羞恥之心我告訴你們,有人可以做出這種事情叫做印度 Swami Order 不是有戒律嗎 ? 都變成 Dr. Steven Hairfield 叫做戒律不需要,難怪佛教叫做 Fallen....沒有一點羞恥之心,我告訴妳們....

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