
I think I just had my lunch. Vercellia, and this water melon, or the juice. SO thirsty. I am on the Khan Academia.....to say hi~


"Where is your boss? These only 4000 clicks that boss.....hi ! Long time no see. I am the YourformulaSheet 15 years ago started Organic Chemistry, you mentioned? in TED. Hi ~ I am busy, and laterly I had some situation I wonder if you are the none profit educational institution that actually being acknowledge by Harvard, or they meant its all issues they already know anyway, with MIT. Its the Shilanka nearly bankcrupcy to 50 millions. Do you, or are you being asked, by Harvard? or this is just completely 50 millions years ago, that Britney Spears on 42 called Lucky MTV? You like the music?
I had a challenege about 10 years ago, an indian mix tall guy like my UB Dean at pre-med, I think he failed, so he ends at the Bermuda Triangle lines SD, TN, to FL. Its real. You can just inquire that detailed either in UB Capen second floor or the UB Commons, the dining cards express places.
Now....UB President happens to be an indian. Google president happens to be an Indian.
You know the map? Or you think this Annie Lalla to where the fake model sigma tree height has a sister, to that....Eben Pagan and Me.
Not Stephen Tamang that Indian mix and me. He looks like Chinese though, probably taller than you are, Khan?
I had a lot of incident in where Indian stole my apps 2 out of 3 from Apple price Developer forum, or Tina and Hank purchasing house in Irvine near that Lakewood little small town close to El Toro Road, were an Indian filled up spiders situation.
And I had a neighbor full packs of indian boys after 2 Indian girls left that apartment, to make so much noise, That is called Amherst Manor. Maybe even Obama would know about that.... places. Because the voting of that town its right across it, its called the Pepsi Center. You want to check every line I describe to you data, and make a "check mark" as if this entire writing, has nothing but the validating facts?"

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