Showering procedure

Showering its when you see yourself with the contacts, or without the contacts, you wear the fogging eye glasses? When you cannot see, you can touch with your palm, finger, to close your eyes, you afraid?

There is a lot of reasons I don't care about the girls, or certain minority issues, to where they meet their death wish very very clearly, every indicators they verbalize themselves out. That kinds of the attitude, its best I don't teach you anything right in here. 

Step 1: Washing your parents and your sibling room's bath floor mat rugs. You washing 10 times. You will be reflecting how careless you really do, for your foot, if you just lower yourself on the flatten floor.

That's it. 

June 8th 2022

I blister myself with the cooking for my mother, to have some of these mix up baking powder or the yeast to fried the pizza dough, or bascuit dough. The oil splash in the very end of it, so its two hands of mine. Its painful if the skins open and touch the water. 

I still shower yeah, but I hair dry blower my hands too. And I apply for some creme on top of it, for the sports ideas.

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