Make up - light

Some people like to paints. To make yourself feel a lot better, sometimes you can spend an hour just doing nothing, but looking at yourself inside the mirror. I don't, but many might. Like NSYNC says the light bulb, I will Never Stop. 

Sweat when you going outside, that kinds of the make-up will not be supporting.

When you doing some self-disciplinary works, like I already say to many, your ultimate goals, you really cared about how other people perceive you, you are highly conscious how people looking at you. I don't. I lost that part when I grew up, saying that loud in the Comic Book 溜冰天使

When you are highly conscious about other people saying your figure, or your weight, you get really really angry. You could just lightly response intelligent, because that is a piece of cake losing all the weight out, and prove it. Some human doesn't really care you proven it, but they will all knowing, when you gain some weight, you are not feeling the best at the first place. 


June 8th 2022

Recently I change my eye shadows, or the lipsticks, you may notice? I use a little bit different make-up, its gold glittering color on top. I am both hands to make-up.

One right hand to right side of the eye brow, eye lash...eye liners.

One left hand to left side of the eye brown, eye lash and eye liners.

When I do these 2018-2020, some people will know which dates I apply the same nail polished? So I am very cautious or conscious about it, not to repeat too the same things, in case....just in case. But I still use the old photos on the website.



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